Soup and photo by Kelly © Sarah Phillips

KELLY SAYS: “I drizzled a little extra virgin olive oil, added a small dollop of sour cream (this is fat free s.c.) and some green onions and cilantro for pretties.

OK, I just have to post this recipe because it is SO good and impossibly easy to make. Seriously, this is the most yummy soup.

It tastes absolutely gourmet and only you know how simple it is to prepare.

A great way to eat your veggies and not too evil, especially when you use light cream cheese!”

SHERI, Premium Member, Says: “It was good! I'm planning on making it again to use up some of the rest of the zucchini soon.”


Several zucchinis or one monster that you lost in the garden, cut into chunks

One large onion, chopped

Three carrots, chopped

Olive oil

3 cups chicken or vegetable stock
4-ounces cream cheese; you may use light cream cheese or Greek yogurt
salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning

Place these in a stockpot, with a little olive oil and saute till the onion starts to become translucent.

Then add chicken or vegetable stock and cook veggies till they are mushy.
Remove from heat.

Add cream cheese and stir it into the mixture.

Add salt and pepper to taste, cumin and Italian seasoning. You can add more cumin, if you like…just depends on your taste.

Puree soup, in batches, in your blender. Puree till soup is uber smooth and creamy. If soup is too thick, you may thin it with more stock, or some milk.