Variations: Watermelon or Cantaloupe Granita; Watermelon or Cantaloupe Ice Pops

Food styling and photo by Kelly Hong © Sarah Phillips 

The posting of this recipe came from a question posted in the community forum:
QUESTION: I made watermelon sorbet from a recipe and it was fine in my ice cream maker but soft. I put the batch in the freezer to firm up but turned to ice. I could not scoop and was too solid. Any suggestions? I added 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup light corn syrup to a small watermelon – did I not add enough sugar?
SARAH SAYS: Find my answer below.

This recipe is used with the Lime Flan Parfait with Blueberries and Watermelon Sorbet

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice
3 fresh mint leaves
3 pounds watermelon, rind and seeds removed, cut into chunks; can substitute with a very ripe cantaloupe

1. In a small saucepan, bring the sugar, corn syrup, lime or lemon juice, and mint to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
SARAH SAYS: You MUST make sure the sugar crystals have dissolved.

2. Remove from the heat, strain through a fine mesh strainer, and let cool.

3. In a blender, puree a portion of the watermelon chunks at a time. Strain each portion through a fine-mesh strainer into a large bowl. 

4. Add the slightly cooled syrup to the watermelon and mix well.
Make in an ice cream maker according to instructions.

Or, place in a 2-quart container, leaving 1-inch headroom and cover. Freeze overnight.

When ready to serve, flake the mixture with a fork. Then scoop it into bowls.

Stores in a freezer for a few days.

Granita: Flake the mixture several times with a fork during freezing.

Ice pops: Freeze the completed mixture in molds