Mimi, Premium Member, asked me to post this recipe for her, which is adapted from Anne Willan's recipe for Ypocras (Spiced Red Wine). Find out why this recipe is so special.

Mimi writes: “Santa left this book in my Christmas stocking last holiday season. We always roast a “hunk o' beef” (prime rib) for friends on News Year's Eve. I made this [spiced wine] with a nice Merlot and served it with the Allspice Spice Cake and assorted chocolates. The spice in the wine paired nicely with the spice in the cake. I always add toasted walnuts and raisins (as written in Sarah's recipe) and if I have dried figs or dates, those get chopped and tossed in too! It was a huge hit…so naturally I had to make it again for Valentine's Day to gift to all that were present on New Year's Eve.”

1 cup dark brown sugar, packed
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon ground mace
1 tablespoon ground cloves
1 tablespoon ground grains of paradise (you can find them online or substitute an equal amount of ground black pepper)
1 bottle fruity red wine, such as Merlot (750 ml)

In a medium nonmetallic bowl, stir together the sugar, cinnamon, mace, cloves and grains of paradise. Add the wine and stir well. Leave for 10 minutes, then stir again to dissolve the sugar fully. Cover tightly and leave at room temperature for 1 to 2 days.
Strain the wine mixture through a strainer lined with a double layer of cheesecloth into a bowl. A brown deposit will be left on the cheesecloth. Rinse it off and strain the wine at least once more through the cheesecloth to clarify it as well as possible.

Store the wine in an airtight container (if you like, use the original bottle) at room temperature. It will keep for up to 1 month.