Photo and pie by Joyfull
Joyfull, Premium Member Says: “This is the pastry crust I have always used and have had great success with. I learned to bake from watching my Mother and Grandmother and with all of us, pie pastry has always been made with lard. Not a lot of shortening around in the “olden days!” I know a lot of you younger folks will go ick! lard!! No way! But it really is the best for making a flaky pastry. It has helped me win a few ribbons at our local fall fair plus the pastry along with the fillings of course, are always greatly enjoyed by family and friends. Try it out just once. You might be pleasantly surprised.”

Joyfull Says: “Here's a lard crust apple pie I did in Sept. for my local fall fair. Got full marks for pastry and taste.” 

Single crust:
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour; spoon into dry measuring cup and level to rim
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup lard (cold)
3 to 4 tablespoons icy water

Double crust:
2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour; spoon into dry measuring cup and level to rim
1 teaspoon salt
2/3 cups lard (cold)
7 to 8 tablespoons iced water

SINGLE CRUST: Whisk flour and salt together in a medium bowl. With a pastry blended, cut in lard until pieces are the size of small peas. Add the smaller amount of water (I do this part 2 tablespoons at a time) and toss lightly with a fork until flour is moistened and mixture starts to form a ball. If necessary, add remaining water to crumbs in bottom of bowl.

Gather dough in your hands and gently shape into a flat ball.

DOUBLE CRUST: Prepare as single crust, shaping dough into 2 equal flat balls.

Roll out on lightly floured board, pastry cloth etc. lifting and turning pastry disc as you go.. (the lifting and turning helps to keep the pastry from sticking) A baking hint from my Mother.. Scrape excess underneath if needed..

I always bake my pies in a pyrex pie plate. I find that the pyrex will give me a much nicer bottom crust than a metal pan.

I start out my pies at 425 degrees F for 15 mins. to “set” the pastry..(something my grandmother always said to do) The edges are always covered in foil to prevent overbrowning.
After the 15 mins. its down to 375 degrees F to finish them off..

Food Processor Pastry Instructions (recipe the same as basic pastry)
I also have Food Processor instructions for standard pastry but I have not tried it myself. Thought you might want to check it out to compare..

Chill lard, shortening, or butter about 5 minutes in the freezer. Fit the steel knife blade into the work bowl. Process flour, salt, and any other dry ingredient (if you're making savory pastry) with 1 quick on-off turn.
Cut chilled lard, shortening, or butter into 12 or 24 pieces and add to dry mixture. Process until pieces are the size of large peas, 5 to 10 seconds.

Add the smaller amount of water. Process until the mixture begins to gather on the blades, about 5 seconds. The action of the blades softens the lard,shortening, or butter, decreasing the need for more moisture. Do not process so long that dough forms a ball or your pie crust will not be flaky.
Shape dough into 1 or 2 flat balls.