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This is my absolute favorite applesauce recipe, from Hayday, a wonderful specialty store in the Connecticut. I sold them gourmet food products for many years when I was a food broker. Applesauce is traditionally served with My Mother's Potato Latkes Recipe or Sarah's Gluten-Free Potato Latkes Recipe. If baking with this recipe, place cheesecloth in a strainer, scoop in applesauce and place over a bowl for an hour. This will remove as much water as possible, necessary before using. You can omit the sugar and butter, if desired, but taste before deciding.

6 medium cooking apples (1 medium apple = 1/2 cup applesauce)
1 cup water or apple cider
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons unsalted butter

1. Peel, core and cut up the apples. (If you want the applesauce to be pink, leave on the red peels). Place them in a saucepan with cider or water, sugar and cinnamon.

2. Boil gently uncovered, until the apples are soft enough to mash, about 40 minutes. Stir with a fork to mash, leaving a few small lumps.

3. Return to low heat. Stir in butter. Simmer until melted. Beat briefly. Serve.

Keeps for about a week refrigerated.