Kelly Says: “I like to use royal icing on sugar cookies, especially with Sarah's Creative Cut-out Sugar Cookies, mostly because the icing dries nice and hard (for stacking purposes) and it is so easy to work with. There are MANY recipes out there for royal icing. I have found that this one works the best for me. I choose to use meringue powder because it contains pasteurized egg whites, instead of raw egg whites, making this recipe safe to eat. My hubby and son LOVE iced cookies and are already dreaming of eating the results of my cookie decorating tutorials.”

1 pound (about 4 to 4 1/2 cups) powdered sugar, sifted; sift after measuring
5 tablespoons meringue powder
Scant (a little less than) 1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1. In the bowl of a large stand mixer fitted with paddle attachment, combine all ingredients on low speed.

2. Mix until thick and stiff, about 5 minutes. 

3. You have to thin it down to outline consistency, with water, before using to ice cookies.  
See How to Royal Icing – Thin or Thinning

The icing can be stored at room temperature, well covered.