Photo by Sarah Phillips © Sarah Phillips
Turtle Candies get their name from their resemblance to a whimsical turtle shape. This candy is also known by many other names including: chocolate caramel pecan turtles, chocolate turtles, chocolate caramel turtles, and pecan patties. Some candy makers also call them caramel pecan patties and even katydids. The combination of flavors in this candy recipe is not to be missed – crispy pecans, chewy caramel, with rich dark chocolate! 


1 cup dark brown sugar, packed

1 cup white sugar

1 cup dark corn syrup

1 cup butter

2 cups evaporated milk, separated

1 teaspoon vanilla

3 cups pecan halves

8 ounces semisweet chocolate or chocolate chips, melted

1. Combine the sugars, syrup, butter and 1 cup of the evaporated milk, and bring to a boil.

2. Add the other cup of evaporated milk slowly, stirring constantly, and cook until it reaches 255 degrees F on a Candy Thermometer.

3. Add the vanilla and pecans and mix well.

4. Pour into a 9- by 11-inch greased pan and refrigerate.

5. Bring to room temperature, cut into squares then dip in chocolate.

NOTE: If you'd like to make a turtle shape, spoon dollops of the caramel pecan mixture onto a greased sheet pan, with 5 pecans in each mound (4 legs and head). Refrigerate to set, then dip in chocolate or drop a chocolate mound on top.

They will last for up to two weeks, stored between sheets of wax paper in an airtight container.

I have adapted this recipe from Chef Gale Gand.