With crisp shards of maple-glazed bacon, rich chocolate glaze, and salted caramel dripping down the sides, this is one over-the-top (and decidedly naughty) Angel Food Cake. Use our Easy Mix Angel Food Cake for the best, most towering and moist cake. To find out how we achieve such lofty results with our Angel Food Cake, see below. 

1 recipe Easy Mix Angel Food Cake, baked and cooled

Topping recipes:
1 recipe Chocolate Glaze, room temperature

1 recipe Salted Caramel Filling, room temperature

4 slices Maple-Glazed Bacon, cooled and chopped; for best results, make the day of use. Store in refrigerator if not using right away.

Topping recipes:
NOTE: The salted caramel and chocolate glaze toppings stiffen when they are cold, so you want to use both toppings when they are at room temperature.
1. After making, place each topping separately in its own in small zip-top sandwich bag.

2. Seal and store at room temperature if not using right away.

Top the cake:

NOTE: The salted caramel and chocolate glaze toppings stiffen when they are cold, so you want to use both toppings when they are at room temperature.
If they become too stiff, dip the bag in warm water, to warm the ingredients inside.
1. Snip a small hole in the corner of the chocolate glaze bag and drizzle it over the cake, in a back and forth motion. You can add as much of the chocolate glaze as you like. I used it all. 🙂

2. Similarly, drizzle the cake with the salted caramel glaze. I used about 3/4 of the salted caramel glaze.

3. Sprinkle the chopped maple-glazed bacon over the top of the cake.

The cake is best served immediately.
Cut the cake with a warm serrated knife, and make small, quick sawing motions. You can use an angel food cake cutter, instead.

You can keep the topped cake, refrigerated, under a cake dome for 2-3 days.