Crystalized flowers styling and photos by Kelly Hong © Sarah Phillips

As a decoration for an iced cake or a garnish for a dessert fresh, crystallized edible flowers and sugared fruit bring color, fragrance and flavor to any recipe. Both can be made in advance. NOTE: To make sugared mint leaves, follow the same procedure as described in the tutorial. However, I did not sugar the mint leaves at the center of the cake, just for contrast.
Used with the
Healthy Oven Applesauce Layer Cake

1 large egg white (you may use pasteurized egg whites if you wish)
edible flowers*
small soft bristled brush
superfine sugar (NOT regular or powdered sugar)

*NOTE: Before you do this, you must make sure that the flowers you use are not poisonous.
Here is a list of edible flowers: and
It is best to use organic flowers, grown without pesticides, from your garden, because the flowers will be in direct contact with your cake.
If you cannot find superfine sugar, simply pulse regular in a food processor a few times. Note that the sugar will scratch the insides of the processor's bowl.

1. Place egg white in a small bowl, and superfine sugar in another bowl.
Hold edible flower by the stem, and gently paint a light coating of egg white on the underside of the flower.

2. Similarly, paint the top of the flower, making sure to coat all the surfaces.
If you sugar large flowers, such as pansies, you must make sure that every surface of the petal is coated in egg white and sugar or the uncoated portions of the petal will rot.

3. Sprinkle the sugar on both the top and bottom of the flower, then tap gently to remove excess sugar.

4. Cut the stem of the flower off with kitchen shears, and dry flowers on a rack.
They should be dry and ready to use in 2 to 3 hours.

Sugared flowers can be made in advance and stored in an airtight container up to a year in a cool, dry place. Line an airtight container with soft padding, like Easter grass or excelsior (available at crafts stores). Cover with a piece of tulle on top. Arrange crystallized flowers in a single layer on tulle, then top with another piece of tulle. Add more layers until container is full.