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This makes a wonderful magenta-colored curd that can be sandwiched between layers of cake, slathered on freshly baked scones – I love it with our Red Tart Cherry Scones Recipe – or to give as gifts in jars! It makes a great homemade treat for the holidays.

5 cups fresh or frozen cranberries
1/2 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
7 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 2/3 cups sugar
6 large eggs
2 tablespoons orange peel

1. Combine the cranberries, juice and 1/2 cup water in a saucepan. Cook over low heat until the cranberries pop, about 10 minutes.

2. Press through a fine-meshed sieve or pass through a mouli to make a puree. Discard solids.

3. Return the cranberry puree to the saucepan. Add the butter and sugar, and combine under very low heat; do not let the mixture boil.

4. In a medium size bowl, place the eggs and lightly beat them.
Stir a little of the warm cranberry mixture into the eggs and quickly combine with a whisk. Do so a couple of times; this is tempering to prevent the eggs from scrambling from the warm cranberry mixture.

5. Pour the warmed eggs back into the cranberry pure in the saucepan. Add the orange peel.

6. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the mixture thickens somewhat and coats the back of a spoon, about 10 minutes.

7. Strain the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve. Pour into 5 half-pint jars. Cool and refrigerate.

The cranberry curd must remain refrigerated – you are not effectively canning this recipe when you put it into jars and seal it.
It will keep for a few days.

Recipe is adapted from Nigella Lawson's How to Be a Domestic Goddess