Rolls and photo by Orange Piggy, Premium Member © Sarah Phillips
There's nothing like soft white rolls to serve with a meal.

4g Instant Active Dry Yeast
120 ml warm water; warmed to 120 – 130 degrees F measured with an instant read thermometer
20g granulated sugar
200g bread flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
20g unsalted butter, soften but not melted or greasy

additional flour for topping

1. In the bowl of stand mixer fitted with dough hook, dissolve yeast in warm water and let stand for 6 minutes. Add sugar and half of the flour and mix on low speed for 1 minutes. Mix the salt with the remaining flour and add to the mixture and then add the butter. Knead on low speed for 3-4 minutes.

2. Increase to medium speed and continue kneading for 8 minutes. After 6 minutes, check if the dough still sticks to the bowl. If it does, add in more flour, a tablespoon at a time, until the dough no longer sticks to the bowl.

3. Finish the kneading by hand for a few minutes and transfer the dough to a greased bowl. Wrap the bowl tightly with a plastic wrap and let rest for 40-60 minutes or until double in size.

4. Transfer the dough to a lightly flour surface and deflate it. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions. Roll each portion into a smooth ball. Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with a parchment (not waxed) paper, cover with plastic wrap or damp kitchen towel and let rise for 40-50 minutes or until double in size.

5. *Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F (130 degrees C) Sift flour onto the surface of each ball and bake for 25-30 minutes. Do not overbake. The buns should be still white and NOT golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.

1 day at room temperature. The buns are best eaten the same day they are made.