Squirrelly Cakes, Premium Member, Says: “This is a wonderful and slightly unusual cheesecake recipe. It comes from an old friend of mine, Linda in Peteborough, Ontario. We have been pals for 30 years and she is one of the best bakers I have ever met. She makes a variety of baked goods, her neighbors know her baking routine and stop by on the days she bakes there favorites. Wonderful lady, wonderful recipes. Visiting her is a delight. (Also results in a diet time afterwards!)”

You need an ungreased 9- inch springform pan for this one. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F – you will be reducing the temperature after an initial cooking period.

1/2 cup butter, softened
1/3 cup white granulated sugar
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

In a bowl, mix with your hands until crumbly, sometimes it will be like a ball, other times a bit more crumbly, doesn't matter. You are going to press it down onto the bottom of your springform pan, making it come up the sides about 1 1/2 inches to form a lip.
Now you need about 1/4 cup seedless pure raspberry jam – President's Choice or E.D. Smith or whatever you have. Spread the jam over the crumb base.
Now this is a one bowl recipe, so you can re-use the bowl you mixed the crumb mixture in.

1 8-ounce package of cream cheese, not light
1/4 cup white granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla

In that re-used bowl, beat cream cheese until softened and add sugar and blend well. Add egg and vanilla and beat until smooth. Pour over jam covered crumbed base.

In that same old bowl, you are going to put:

3 cups of peeled and sliced very very thinly, apples
1/3 cup white granulated sugar
1/2 tsp. cinnamon

Mix together and put over the cream cheese mixture in the pan.
Take 1/2 cup finely sliced almonds – the thin sliced ones you buy, and sprinkle these on top.
Bake at 450 degrees F for 10 minutes and then reduce your heat to 400 degrees F and cook for 25-30 minutes or until apples look tender.
Now for this one you are going to want to use a pie liner or cookie sheet or foil around the base of your springform to stop the drips.

Cool slightly and serve warm or cool completely and refrigerate until serving time.

Store in the refrigerator, well-wrapped for a few days.