Variations: Vanilla Pecan Fondant; Cherry Pecan Fondant; Lemon Pecan Fondant; Mint Pecan Fondant; Orange Pecan Fondant; Raspberry / Strawberry Pecan Fondant

Pecan Logs and photo by msbreez, Premium Member © Sarah Phillips 
White and creamy candy fondant is used as a center in many recipes. Cream Fondant is used for the center of the Caramel Pecan Logs.


6 ounces (3/4 cup) water

1 pound (2 1/4 cups) granulated sugar

1/2 teaspoon fresh lemon juice or 1 tablespoon corn syrup

1. Place the water, sugar and lemon juice or corn syrup in a 11/2-quart saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally to dissolve the sugar. As the syrup approaches the boil, wipe the inside of the pan with a clean pastry brush dipped in cold water.

2. At the boiling point the syrup may foam up because of slight impurities in the sugar. Skim off any foam that remains on the surface of the syrup, then cover the pan and allow the syrup to boil for a minute or two. This step accumulates steam inside the pot which helps to wash down any crystals that might remain on the inside surface of the pan.

3. Clip on a CLEAN Candy Thermometer. Cook the syrup, uncovered and WITHOUT STIRRING, to the soft-ball stage, 238-240 degrees F. Remove the pan from the heat, and without stirring or scraping, immediately pour the hot syrup onto a marble slab or an UNGREASED 9- x 13-inch baking pan with low sides. Do not scrape the excess candy from the pan.

4. Allow the syrup to cool undisturbed until it is lukewarm. This may take anywhere from five to ten minutes. (At this temperature you will be able to touch the syrup with your fingertip and comfortably leave it there. Note that the actual temperature of the syrup at this point is not that critical. It just should not be scalding hot, nor should it be room temperature. Were you to gather the syrup up and measure the temperature – which is not necessary – it would measure approximately 110 degrees F.)

5. Using a stainless steel bench scraper work the syrup in a back-and-forth motion, scraping it up from the surface and folding it over itself. (Add in flavorings / coloring* here before the fondant sets up.) Eventually the syrup will turn white and begin to stiffen into fondant. When the fondant is stiff and holds together almost like a dough, it is done.

6. To store, place the fondant in a plastic container and sprinkle ½ teaspoon water on the surface. Press plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the fondant and then cover that with a paper towel that has been dipped in water and wrung out. Seal the container tightly.

Allow to “ripen” for 24 hours before using this ensures that it loses any slightly crumbly texture that the newly made fondant might have. Keeps indefinitely if kept moist as described.

Add scraping the fondant, in Step #5.
Vanilla: 1 teaspoon vanilla
Cherry: 1 teaspoon almond extract and 1/2 teaspoon rum extract, a small amount of red gel food coloring
Lemon: 1 teaspoon lemon extract and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, a small amount of yellow gel food coloring
Mint: A few drops peppermint extract, a small amount of green gel food coloring
Orange: 1 teaspoon orange extract and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, a small amount of orange gel food coloring
Raspberry / Strawberry: 1 teaspoon strawberry or raspberry extract and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract, a small amount of red or pink gel food coloring

After the fondant has set up in Step #5, divide it into the number of colors you wish to tint. Roll the individual pieces into balls. Press your thumb in the middle mof each portion, and pour desired coloring and flavor into each hole. Knead until well-mixed. If the fondant becomes sticky, dust your hands and/or the work surface with a light coating of cornstarch and continue kneading. Do not use powdered sugar as it makes this type of fondant stickier.

SARAH SAYS: If you do not have a marble slab, you can use a 9- x 13-inch UNGREASED baking pan, stirring the fondant with a wooden spoon. Stir until the fondant becomes very stiff and loses its gloss. At this point it has set up.